Call of duty the most fantastic, thrilling, action adventure and awesome shooter game that is available on most of the consoles. Call of duty series is thrilling everyone. The most playing shooter game of all time is making millions to going wild.This latest blockbuster from activision currently under development. Sony also announced that the working titles will be available to download at retail stores at the same day ngp hit the market. With the new features like dual analog stick, OLED touchcreen ( Bigger than ever), and so many connectivity options and sharing possibilities, surely the COD will make huge impact on PSP2 NGP. The new cod versions content will also available to premier downlod. Activision also want to make this game as best in class digital.And this new COD mainly targeting online players all around the world. That's what Beachhead's digital platform aims. With the all the new features and stuffs call of duty may releases in December. With the latest technology whatever the COD is going to shrill you out. The hardcore gamers community is looking for this game to play. Hello gamers wish you all the success to play COD on NGP.
Ps Vita is now 1 year old. WII U is just born. Today we’re going to the brief introduction to these consoles. I’m going to analyze the specs and graphics of these console games. There is no problem with that. And I would like to keep this article more specific than general comparison. If I miss anything or have anything to ask, place it in the comment section. PS vita vs Wii U processor PS vita using 4 core ARM Cortex- A9 core Processor Which is power optimized and highly energy efficient .WII U has Custom IBM power architecture CPU. The exact details of the wii u processor is unknown except for IBM and Nintendo. But unofficially the Wii U cpu is a tri-core processor clocked at 1.24GHZ. If you ask me which processer is the best? I’ll say “as far as I know custom build CPU are demons”. PS vita vs Wii U graphics The original PSP has 2MB VRAM which is embedded in Main memory and PS vita using 200 MHZ SGX543MP4+ graphics processor and can play games at 6oFPS (in HD). ...
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