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Full Ps Vita games List Revised

Sly cooper: Thieves in time
Gods Eater 2
MotoGP- 2013
Cocunut Dodge HD - 2013
Cod:Blackops Declassified 2- 2013
Project versus j -2013
Cod:Blackops Declassified
muramasa: Demons blade
Ninja Gaiden: Sigma Plus
One Piece
Virtua tennis 4/Power Smash 4
Dynasty Warriors
Gravity Daze
F1 2011
PES 14 
Resistance Retribution
Silent Hill: Book of Memories
Smart As
Little Deviants
Lost Planet
Metal Gear Solid
Monster Hunter 3rd
Sound Shapes
Super Stardust Delta
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Wipeout 2048
Call of Duty
Dungeon Defenders
Hot Shots Golf
Hustle Kings
Little Big Planet
Dust 514
Reality Fighters
Street Fighter X Tekken
Bioshock Vita
WWE 14
Mensa HQ
Ridge Racer
Lego Harry Potter: years 5-7
Dragons crown
Oddworld : fury from abroad
Blazblue: Continuum Shift II Plus
Michael Jackson:The Experience HD
Mortal Combat Vita
Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge
Build N Race Extreme
ModNation Racers
Marvel Pinball
Star Strike
Top Darts
Treasures of Montezuma blitz
Flying Hamster HD
Supremacy MMA
Pub Games
Robot Rescue Revolution
Great Little War Game
Zen Pinball 2
Disgaea 3 Return
Dark Quest
Dream club Zero portable
Moe Moe Daisensou
Ragnarok odyssey
Urban Trials
DJ max Technika
Lego Batman 2: Dc Superheroes
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
KickBeat ( Zen Studios)
Guacamelee ( Drinkbox studios)
Tearaway (Media molecule) 
When vikings attack


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